Hi, I'm

Web Developer · Graphic Designer

In love with CSS, consistent design, and plants. Based in Cracow, Poland. Double master's degree in Human-Computer Interaction and Art. Open-minded, detail-oriented, and crafting beautiful visuals since forever.

Creative Front-End Developer
@ Owls Department

October 2018 - September 2022


Few chosen SVG illustrations being a part of my art & design master's at the Pedagogical University of Cracow. Created with animating and interactivity in mind. Initially, I used pure CSS animations and vanilla JavaScript. Later on, I switched to GSAP to achieve greater browser compatibility and improve performance on lower-spec machines. Descensum explores topics such as pain, alienization, and toxicity of relations.

June 2018


This PHP website was a part of my bachelor thesis at Jagiellonian University. It allows users to design private or co-created rankings. There are quite a lot of JavaScript scripts going on to allow Ajax operations on the MySQL database, improve navigating via keyboard, etc. Present dragging actions utilize the Sortable function from jQuery UI library. CSS from scratch, as one does.

June 2019


Project created using PHP and Symfony framework for one of my classes. This site allows users to upload and share photos. jQuery, as well as JavaScript, helps enhance the experience with lazy-loading of images, etc. MySQL database utilizes an open-source Doctrine library. Templates built with Twig implement a custom RegExp filter handling the hashtag system. CSS from square one with dark theme support.

January 2018

Wilk i Owce

Web browser game of fox and hounds you can play with your friends online (or used to, went offline after I graduated). There's also a PvC mode with some basic "AI". Written exclusively in Python. Utilized Flask framework and Django. CSS built from scratch. No Java­Script present for interactivity, just some trickery.

October 2017


WordPress theme created for a diagnostic clinic. CSS and the overall structure of the site were created completely from the ground up. The project aimed to create a site that would help find info about the clinic's offers, locations, and answers to some frequently asked questions.

June 2017


Shop site created for one of my classes. Created with PHP and utilizing Silex micro-framework based on Symfony and a MySQL database. Templates were created with Twig. CSS from scratch, because it's fun that way. You can't actually buy anything there, but managing items sold there is fun.

January 2017


Browser app that allows browsing and comparing phones. There's also a rating system in place, so you can let other users know if the phone was not a great purchase. Made with PHP, utilizing MySQL database. CSS created from scratch, as one does.